17th World Editors Forum

Are there alternative business models for producing quality journalism?

Paul Steiger, Editor-in-Chief and Founder of ProPublica, the non-profit investigative newsroom that just won a Pulitzer Prize in the United States, has joined the programme of the World Editors Forum, to be held in Beirut, Lebanon, from 7 to 10 June next.

Mr Steiger, the former managing editor of The Wall Street Journal, created ProPublica as an independent, non-profit newsroom to produce journalism in the public interest.

Mr Steiger will make the keynote speech in a session on new ways to finance quality journalism that will also feature John Yemma, Editor-in-chief of the Christian Science Monitor, Olav Bergo, Editorial Advisor for A-Pressen in Norway, and David Cohn, Founder of Spot.us and a Knight News Challenge winner in the United States.

Full details of the 17th World Editors Forum programme can be found at: http://www.wanlebanon2010.com/articles.php?id=114

Apart from this panel, our main professional sessions will be:
– Multimedia newsrooms vs. pure online players: which model is the most sustainable?
– How to break away from the ‘he said yesterday’ journalism?
– Why (some) newspapers are unsubscribing to news agencies
– What’s next for new media training?
– Our news and Google News: how can we cooperate?

To register for the 17th World Editors Forum, click here:

(Source: World Editors Forum)

Published in Berita LPDS